SHIKINKAI start from KINSUKAI. We are being 100years over since it.
We founded as SHIKINKAI after the world war 2,because New club(SHIKINKAI)starts competition
of AZUMANISHIKI too.AZUMANISHIKI is purple(紫) color & RANCHUU is gold-red(錦) color.
So new culb was named SHIKINKAI(紫錦会) by SHISHI BUNROKU as great writer.

what is SHIKINKAI? Members club SHIKINKAI aims to make a friendship of member each other
as RANCHUU FREEK.And does more better RANCHUU-life with joint of keeping pleasure too.
Ofcouse getting more eye for beautiful & to up keeping technique.

There are tree competition in a year.
At first,
Spring Competition : Only 2years old Fish & 3years old fish.Every year of 2nd Sunday on March

KENKYU_KAI : Only KURROKO,Total 5times. 4th Sunday on June,2nd&4th Sunday on July,2nd&4th Sunday on August.

At the final of main,
Autumn Competition : For all class,Every year of 3rd Sunday on October.

The 62th Spring Cmp.2010
(Club for study)
The52th AutumnCmp.2000
The53th AutumnCmp.2001   NEW!!
More pictures on Japanese sight.
Japan Ranchu Association sight.

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takahashi,ranchuu,gild fish,Shikinkai