
Post code : 144-0034
1-12-6 Nishikojiya Otaku Tokyo JAPAN
™ If you have interesting Ranchu and want to take it.Please contact me with ease.
E-mail : Nobumoto Takahashi

If you want gloval map, you may use search engine.
for example; GoogleMap @You Copy&Paste that address into it. ¨@‘ε“c‹ζΌβο’J1-12-6

There is SHIKINKAI office in TAKAHASHI Ranchu Nersery too.

Membership fee \10000/year since 2009.(A club bulletin is issued every year.)

Entry fee for competition.
Spring Competition : \3000 (2classes,2years old & 3years old only.You can entry 5fishes each.)
KENKYU_KAI : \2000 (You can entry 5fishes every time.)
Autumn Competition : \1000/each class (Tozai,Nisai,Oya.You can entry 5fishes each class.)

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